Puppy Development #2 DVD

Puppy Development #2 DVD

The Puppy Development II program will prepare your dog for formal training. This is the second video in the series to teach you how to encourage your puppy's inherent hunting instincts. Working through the steps in this video will teach you to develop your dog's senses of sight, smell and touch as well as encourage his desire to retrieve.

Puppy Development II continues the focus on conquering behavioral patterns in your puppy. It reviews four opportunities to build your dog's enthusiasm for training and successfully introduces your dog to the Field, Birds, the Retrieve and the Gun.

This video is the second step to developing a dog that is a pleasure to be around. We suggest you begin your training with Puppy Development I "Setting Your Pup Up For Success" and continue with " The Silent Command System" dog training videos.
To purchase this product, please contact Rick: huntsmithrick@yahoo.com or 1 (804) 784-3882.