Puppy Development #1 DVD

Puppy Development #1 DVD

This is not a puppy training video, but rather a video to teach you how to develop your puppy's behavioral patterns. Conquering behavior at a young age means a better behaved dog later. Working through the steps in this video will prepare your dog to listen to orders so that you can train him successfully.
Puppy Development reviews six opportunities to gain your dog's willing acceptance of restrictions which is necessary in training. This willing acceptance behavior will be demonstrated in six sections: Crate conditioning, Care and Maintenance, Table Work, Puppy Drag Line, Stake-out Chain, and The Short Lead.

This video is the first step to developing a dog that is a pleasure to be around. If you enjoy Puppy Development I, be sure to add The Silent Command System to your dog training video collection.


The Smith family has provided bird dog training for almost a century and training seminars since 1968. Rick and Ron Smith are products of this training tradition and bring to you a lifetime of knowledge and experience. Rick and Ron operate training kennels, guide quail hunts, have trained numerous National and International Champion Field Trial winners, produce training videos and teach seminars all over the world.
To purchase this product, please contact Rick: huntsmithrick@yahoo.com or 1 (804) 784-3882.